Abstracts submitted to the International Social Sciences Symposium should not have been published or presented elsewhere.

Presentations are limited to 15 minutes long.

The abstracts or full-texts should be written according to the following criteria and sent to email address.

Accepted abstracts will be reported to the participant within a few days.

Participation certificates will not be given for notifications not presented at the symposium

For the papers which are not presented in the symposium will not be given Certificate of Attendance.



Abstracts should be prepared either in English or Turkish and should be between 100 to 200 words long. Please use the following margins on an A4 paper; 2,5 cm space from left, right, top, and bottom. Please use “Times New Roman” as font. The title of the abstract should be centred, and written in capital letters, bold, and with character size 12.  The line that follows should include the title of the author, name, surname, affiliation, and email address all written with character size 10. After author information leave a line break and insert the content of your abstract (100-200 words). Following abstract information, please include 3 keywords about your study. Abstracts prepared according to the above criteria should be sent as an email to


If requested by authors, full texts of presentations will be published as an e-book in proceedings book. Full texts need to be with 2,5 cm margins from left, right, top, and bottom. Full texts should not be longer than 15 pages (including tables and figures). The title should be centred, bold, and capitalized with character size 14. The title should be followed by author(s)’ title, name, surname, affiliation, and email address with character size 10. There should be a line break after author information which should be followed by the abstract (100-200 words) of the paper. Insert 3 keywords at the bottom of the abstract. Character size of the text after the abstract should be 10 and aligned to both sides of the paper. Character size of the text after the abstract and keywords should be 12 and aligned to both sides. There should be an introduction, results, implications, and references. All main headings should be capitalized, bold, and numbered. References should be at the very end of the text and in alphabetical order following APA 6th style.


Poster presenters are advised to prepare their posters on cardboard (or any kind of strong paper material) with the following dimensions; 120 cm long and 80 cm wide.